We think a lot, read a lot and write a lot - then we share it here.
Insights, news, conversations starters, social updates and book reviews - You’re welcome!
Reliable, affordable, sustainable. – The Energy Trilemma
For me, energy sits at the centre of a Gregorian knot of humanity's problems. It's something I think about a lot. In this blog I discuss a few of the issues being faced.
Ten Survival Skills for a World in Flux
This Book review is on Tom Fletcher’s insight into the major trends the world faces today including, climate change, the rapid advancement of technology, migration and an ageing population.
Brand and reputation management isn’t easy
When brand and reputation are not aligned, problems are inevitable. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion
Cialdini offers an understanding of how we might be influenced; how we might use these levers to influence others, as well as recommendations on how to avoid being influenced
The A-Z of content ideas
When it comes to creating content, the number one question is ‘What do we write about?’ This exhaustive list of content marketing ideas is created to help you to effectively communicate your value to people who can buy from you in myriad different ways.
Atomic Habits - the life-changing million-copy #1 bestseller
People think that when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way.
An astronaut's guide to life on earth
Chris Hadfield explains how conventional wisdom can get in the way of achievement – and happiness.
59 Seconds: Think a little, change a lot
Described by one of Scientific American’s columnists as “the most interesting and innovative experimental psychologist in the world today. Here are my favourite quotes.
Tools for hybrid working
As organizations shift to hybrid work, forward-thinking executives will need to think about shifting their technology investments.
Google knows great leaders
Since leadership is more art than science, how can you objectively determine if someone is a great leader? Google has spent time and effort finding out.
The why, what and the how of being remarkable
So here's my ninth attempt at a short book review giving you the best bits of this book by Seth Godin...
6 ways to make your message go viral
The 6 Principles of Virality
After analysing hundreds of contagious messages, products, and ideas, Jonah Berger noticed that the same six “ingredients,” or principles, were often at work.
How social media can make you a better leader
The Social revolution has been embraced by the masses, but it is the people at the top of organizations who have been slowest to understand and adapt to it.
Read on, to discover the highlights of this book.
How to sell anything to anyone
People buy because of emotion and justify with logic. So, as a marketer, you have to create an emotional response by eliciting a basic want or need.
Read on, for a run-down of the best secrets in this book.
The surprising truth about what motivates us
The secret to high performance and satisfaction in today's world is the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world.
DRIVE is bursting with big ideas!
The 22 immutable laws of marketing
This review is of a book that combines a wide-ranging historical overview with a keen eye for the future. The authors, Ries and Trout, bring to light 22 superlative tools and innovative techniques for the international marketplace.
Mental Toughness Metaphors
Stories are a great way to connect with others and teach us about ourselves. They can also help us tap into reserves of resilience and mental toughness we didn't know we possess. This review captures some of the most poignant, for me.
40 lessons for a new kind of entrepreneur
The book is first and foremost the story of an individual, and is a story of success. Many people - most people - want something. The interesting bit is that Sivers actually went out and got it.
These are my favourite key quotes from the book.
How to become a 21st century ideas machine
People say ideas are cheap and execution is everything but that is NOT true.
Read on for some key takeaways from this book.
How to audit your offline print marketing materials effectively
Here I suggest ways of saving time and money by auditing your marketing, and ensuring that you maximise your ROI for offline content.
What’s it like to work with The EMARI Group?
Our clients’ success is our success.