Brand and reputation management isn’t easy 

"Why aren't the people who manage my company's brand & those who manage my company's reputation on the same page?"

That's the question being asked by many CEOs right now.

All too often the answer isn't what it should be...

Years of legacy marketing & communication structures, combined with new, more sophisticated communication channels have led to perceived land-grabbing & silo-building behaviors

It's sad but true. We're only human.

...And the opportunity to take advantage of aligning positive brand equity & corporate reputation isn't easy.

It requires a DRAMATIC DEPARTURE from the traditional approach to brand & reputation management.

An approach where people are actively supported in creating and contributing effectively in the multi-directional conversations happening within their organization & their industry at large

One where truly connecting with & building ongoing relationships with key stakeholders is considered strategically paramount.

One which demands co-ordination of several separate disciplines: Marketing & communications; Government & regulatory relations; Financial & investor communications; HR, talent attraction & employee engagement; Sales & customer service.

One which actively balances the messages of the company and its leadership team with the concerns & reactions of every audience - recognizing that those audiences actively communicate with one another too.

When that happens in a planned, controlled, proactive, way, it creates genuine conversation, shared momentum, tangible results. 

When brand & reputation are out of sync, it creates a barrier to success & growth – which in some cases can become a real destructive force.

This is one of the central issues that every organization has to recognize and solve in order to create truly authentic engagement.


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